Of course MRI are perfectly entitled to hold such an exhibition, the problem is that, in breach of guidelines issued to them by the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland (ASAI), the company have 'forgotten' to mention in the advert that this is an MRI exhibition. This particular show is being run by the development arm of the Spanish based company so it is presumable that it will argue it is a different company to the parent MRI company and felt that it wasn't obliged to abide by the same rules.
Dates for upcoming shows can be found here.
If you're looking for a bit of background on MRI take a look at this Ask About Money transcript of an Irish Times report on the company from a couple of months back (we've included the AAM version because if you're not a member of Ireland.com you'll have to pay for the Irish Times version). If you can find it there is also a very interesting BBC documentary on the company and its activities but it is difficult to track down (MRI are heavily into legal threats when anything like this pops up).
If you wish to make a complaint to the ASAI about this matter you can do so here or you can contact the National Consumer Agency here.
Please see below my comment on MRI Property.
I recently attended one of your exhibitions in Leopards town Dublin. I was greeting by a lovely gentleman and directed to a table where we started chatting about where we were interested in buying. Then he was rudely interrupted by a sales person called **** *******. I feel I need to contact you as I working a similar environment and if I was to treat one of our customers the way he treated us I would no longer have a job. I am heading to Portugal this summer on a family holiday one of my family owned property in Lagos. I felt there was no need to purchase a inspection trip as I am paying for a flight to Portugal for 14 days anyway. Once **** *******heard this he begin to what I could only describe to verbally assault me??!. I like to drive on my holidays and in conversation said I would drive to properties in the area and MAYBE meet a MRI rep while there. He replied " you wont be driving and if you are I wont be meeting you. He said "I work 7 days a week I will be busy". Correct me if im wrong but is he a sales person ? Surely he will be "busy" selling to people like me?!!!! His attitude was disgusting. There is NO chance I would deal with this company after been spoken to like a child asking for a lolly pop. Am I to believe that unless you get sale of an inspection trip you have no interest in my custom?? Obviously your property and sales reps are of sub standard if you income is coming from these sales trips. Disgusting waste of my time. Im going back to the last company I dealt with it as a change is obviously not the way to go this time. Also I will be posting this story on as many blogs as possible to help people like me who don't need there time wasted by petty money grabbing egomaniacs like **** *******.Ridiculous
MRI are well known for their advertising ploys, threatening behaviour and poor service. They appear to be downsizing substantially in Spain.
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